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Top Tips to Help Seniors Avoid Falling

top-tips-to-help-seniors-avoid-fallingAs a provider of senior care in Maryland, we are experts on the health and safety of the elderly. Here are some tips that we recommend:

  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
    Staying physically active can help improve your muscles and make you stronger. It also keeps your tendons, ligaments, and joints flexible. You can do simple and mild weight-bearing activities like climbing the stairs and walking.
  • Get your hearing and eyes tested annually.
    Small changes in your hearing and eyesight may cause falls. So make sure to get your eyeglasses updated. If you have a hearing aid, wear it from the moment you get out of bed until you go to sleep and ensure it fits well.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption.
    Excessive alcohol consumption can affect your reflexes and balance. When standing up, do it slowly, as getting up too quickly can make you feel wobbly because of the drop in your blood pressure. Also, ask your doctor if there are any side effects to the drugs you take.
  • Use walking aids and get enough sleep.
    If you are having issues keeping steady when walking, appropriate use of walkers and canes can help prevent falls. You should also get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

Consider assisted living in Rockville, Maryland. Living in an assisted living facility helps ensure your needs are met, and you are safe from falls. Our 24-hour supervision is available, and the facility is safe for seniors, often better than homes.

Are you in need of respite care? Then look no further than Assisted Living of Rockville. Feel free to contact us at 301-356-3453 or 301-356-3452 today.

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